Adrian Pataki 2016/04/26


  • Walking narrow squats 1×20
  • Walking toe reach 1×20
  • Walking kicks 1×20
  • Side lunges 1×10 on each side
  • Stick overhead press 1×10
  • Stick bend over stretch 1×10
  • Shoulder external rotation 1×10
  • Straight arm pull down with elastic/pulley 2×10

3×10 on each exercise, 1-2min rest

DAY 1:
Hinging: Romanian deadlifts
Ball leg curls
Bent over barbell rows
Pulling: Chin Ups/Lat Pull down
Heavy carries 2x2min 20kg
Day 2:
Incline chest press
Pulley 1 arm chest press
Heavy Carries 2x2min 20kg
  • Push up position protraction/retraction 2×10
  • Arm walk to stand 1×10
  • Butterfly stretch 1×10
  • Shoulder external rotation 2×10
  • Shoulder horizontal abduction 2×10 + alphabet