Andre Rizzo 2016/04/26

  • Bike warm up 5min
  • Squat walk alternating hands overhead and side 1×10 3 speeds (3 slow, 3 medium, 3 fast, 1 slow)
  • Toe reach walk 1×10 3 speeds (3 slow, 3 medium, 3 fast, 1 slow)
  • Kicking walk 1×20
  • Side lunges from earth to sky 1×3 cycles each side
  • Stick bend over stretch 1×10
  • Stick wrap around

3-4 x 8-12, max 60sec rest: always include 1-2 prep sets

Day 1: pulling
Deadlift: sumo or conventional
DB row or bent row
Weighted chin ups
Day 2: pushing
Bulgarian squats
Ball leg curls
Day 3:
Bench press
Lateral raises

Cool down

  • Heel catch sit up both legs only 1×10
  • Rolling sit ups into squat 2×10
  • Plank rolls 1×20

Ankle rehab

  • Foam rolling or stick massage 1×20
  • Gastrocnemius stretch 1x1min
  • Soleus stretch 1x1min
  • Calf raises 2×10
  • Balance 1min