Eve Rousseau 2016/05/07

  • Narrow squat walk 1×10
  • Toe reach walk 1×10
  • Kicking walk 1×10
  • Side lunges (hurricane without the hands) 1×10 each side
  • Squat with elastic around knees 2×10
  • Stick  straight 1 leg dead lift 1×10
  • Bench: Hurdler Seated leg stretch with arms 1×20 alternating legs

Au sol

  • Knees to chest sequence 1×3 cycle (L, R, both)
  • Sit up and catch heel 1×3 cycle (L, R, both)
  • Foot catch sequence 1×3 cycle (L, R, both) on stomach
  • Side to side ‘sit up and catch’ to ‘side superman freeze’ 1×10 alternating side
  • Full roll ‘sit up and catch’ 1×10 alternating side