- Wall deadlift warm up: butler stance, touch butt against wall, stretch hamstring 2×10
- Toe reach walk 1×20
- Kicking walk 1×20
- Side lunges (Hurricane, without hands) 1×10
- Super set
- Bent leg deadlift 3×10 (36lbs)
- Seated leg hurdles 2×10 (alternating sides) (splits)
- Balance on 1 leg eyes closed, trace out alphabet on cushion
- Ball bouncing 1×30
- Ball bouncing and standing up 1×30
- Ball bouncing standing up with arms mimicking running 1×30
- Sit ups and heel catch 1×10 cycle
- 1/2 sit ups 1×10 cycle
- Scooter step 1×10 on each side adding the elastic and leg curl (bicycle)
- Leg circle 1×10 on each side (leg kick up)
- Leg adduction 2×10 + alphabet on each side with ankle weight (3lbs)
youtube channel: Koom Studio