- Walking toe reach stretch 1×10 on each leg
- Walking kicks 1×20 alternating legs (remember to do 3 steps in between) (and add a twist)
- Narrow squat walk 1×10
- Side lunges 1×10 on each side
- Lunges 3×5 on each side (pay attention to alignment when looking at it from the front and the side)
- Calf raises 2×10
- Bench Seated leg stretch with arm raise overhead 1×20 alternating leg
- Bench Seated leg stretch with 1/4 circle out 1×10 on each side
- Bench double leg stretch 1x1o on each side
- Scooter step 1×10 on each side
- Knees to chest and leg stretch sequence (L, R, both) 5x cycle
- Leg adduction (on side lift bottom leg up) 2×10 + alphabet on each side
Upper body
- Shoulder retraction 1×10 (5sec hold)
- Superman 1×10 (3sec hold)
- Shoulder external rotation 2×10 on each side
for videos, check out ‘Koom Studio’ youtube channel.