Bike 5min
- Toe reach walk
- Narrow squat walk
- Kicking walk
- Hurricane
Day 1: work on T4
- E squat facing in and out (arms out) x10
- Dead lift 2 warm up set: 25, 50lbs. 3×10 (75lbs)
- super set with bulgarian split squat (5olbs) Walking lunges 3×10 (20kg)
- Ball leg curls (one leg) 3×10 (with elastic and both legs)
- Push ups with 50lbs bag 3×10 tiger push ups 1×10
- battle rope 30sec: small single, big double, big single
- back bridge plank 1×10
- Reverse grip horizontal pull ups 3×10
Day 2
- Barbell back squats 1×10 (25lbs, warm up), 3×10 (60lbs)
- Bench press 1×10 (25lbs, warm up), 3×8 (50lbs, with assistance for last 2-3reps)DB incline chest press 45lbs
- Rings push ups 3×10
skipped rest, did rope (2016/05/05
- Standing barbell overhead press 1×10 (10lbs), 2×10 (15lbs)
- 2016/04/20 (push up variations for triceps)
- Sled 3×2 lengths back and forth (50lbs)